Kim Schwarcz has worked as a professional fiduciary since 1996 and currently has over 40 clients in Marin, San Francisco, East Bay and Sonoma counties that she serves in various capacities. She is a California Licensed Professional Fiduciary, (License number 18), through the California State Consumer Bureau of Affairs.

Kim joined the Professional Fiduciary Association of California in 2001 and was elected as Vice President of the Northern California Region of PFAC in 2004, President of the Region in 2005, and served as Regional Director of Northern California and on the State Board of Directors for four years.

She also has participated in many community panel discussions in order to let the public know what help is available for the disabled and elderly. She was also a panelist for a presentation to the probate section of the Marin County Bar Association.

  • 2008 – Co-Chair of PFAC Annual conference.
  • Nov 2010 – Panelist, “Senior Care 101: Making Sense of Senior Services.”
  • 2011 – Co-presenter of the Conservator of the Person Pre-Intensive class at the PFAC 2011 annual conference.
  • 2013 – Co-presenter at the Institute for Professional Fiduciary Studies
  • 2013 – Co-Chair of PFAC Annual conference.
  • 2014 – UC Berkeley Extension – Instructor “Fiduciary as the Administrator of the Estate”
  • Jan 2014 – Lake Tahoe Fiduciary Attorney Summit 2014, “Proper Placement in the least Restrictive Environment” with Rosalie Rowsey. “Tricks and Tips in Fiduciary Accounting” with Lily Moallen Esq.
  • 2015-2015 PFAC Conference – Ethics Panel
  • 2016-The Thi9rd Annual Fiduciary Attorney Summit presented b IPFS- “Decision Making Standards” Ethics Panel
  • 2017-“Helping Clients Navigate Estate Planning and Administration in the Digital Age” with Megan Yip Esq. to the Marin County Bar Association
  • 2018- 2018 PFAC Conference-“A case study and Conversation about Medical and Fiduciary Ethics”
  • 2019-“A Professional Fiduciary: What is it? Do you need one?”


1996 – Present Private Professional Fiduciary.

Certified as a National Certified Guardian.

Certified as a California Fiduciary by The Professional Fiduciary Association of California.

Completed the Certificate in Professional Fiduciary Management for Conservators through Cal State Fullerton (Certificate issued 1/2004).

The certificate in Professional Fiduciary Management for Conservators consists of 54 hours of instruction. The courses include:

  • Standards and Practices in Professional Fiduciary Management.
  • Conservatorship of Protected persons
  • Advance Health Care Directives
  • Management of Assets for Professional Fiduciaries
  • Accounting and Record Keeping for Positions of Trust.

Private Professional Fiduciaries are also required to take 15 units of continuing education each year. Many of those units are earned during our annual conferences (one in May and a smaller one in September), quarterly regional meetings and local meetings.

PFAC in conjunction with the National Guardians Association developed a certification examination. The first exam was given the fall of 2004. Fiduciaries have been licensed by the State of California since 7/1/2008.

1994 – 1996 Common Thread, a sole proprietorship. A design and manufacturing firm owned and operated by Kim Schwarcz.

1989 -1994 Production Manager, D.M.A.S Corporation, San Rafael, California. As of 2/1/93 Winmax Fashion International Inc., D.b.a. DMAS Corporation, Carson, California. A $12 million dollar women’s budget sleepwear manufacturer.

1988-1989 Production Manager, Paper White, ltd., Fairfax, California.
A $9 million dollar manufacturer of women’s, children’s clothing and home accessories.

1984 -1988 Assistant to General Manager, Shady Grove, Inc, Oakland, California.
$25 million dollar manufacturer of women’s clothing.

1971 -1984 Self employed as glass blower and textile designer.


Bergens Kunsthandverksskole
Bergen, Norway
Diploma of Textile Design (Equivalent of BA)

San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California


Kim Schwarcz – $180 per hour

Staff – $95 per hour