Kim Schwarcz, owner of Kim Schwarcz-Fiduciary became aware of the fiduciary profession while helping various family members of the older generation. After administering her uncle’s estate the attorney and CPA were so impressed with her work that they started referring her to people that need help in bill paying and general organization of papers (1996).
Before becoming a fiduciary Kim Schwarcz worked in the apparel industry for many years (1984-1996) as a production manager and before that she made her living as a glass blower and textile artist (1968-1983).
After joining the Professional Fiduciary Association of California in 2001, she began to take “in person” courses presented by California State University of Fullerton which led to certification. Since then she has acted in the capacity of Conservator of Estate and Person, Trustee of Special Needs Trusts and other trusts, Case Management and Estate Administration among other duties.
Kim Schwarcz was elected as Vice President of the Northern California Region of PFAC in 2004, President of the Region in 2005, and served as Regional Director of Northern California and on the State Board of Directors for four years.
She also has participated in many community panel discussions in order to let the public know what help is available for the disabled and elderly. She was also a panelist for a presentation to the probate section of the Marin County Bar Association. In addition she has served in the following capacities.
Kim Schwarcz –Fiduciary has a small staff consisting of one part time employees
Kim Schwarcz -Fiduciary receives client referrals from attorneys, hospital discharge planners, physicians, financial planners, CPAs, banks, the court, other clients and more. Our reputation is for providing a neutral and professional care be it personal, financial or both.
Code of Ethics
Kim Schwarcz -Fiduciary adheres to a strict ethical code. We do not accept referral fees, bonuses or compensation of any kind from services providers. The services that we recommend to our clients and their families are those that we feel represent the highest quality to meet our client’s needs.
While we are able to assist in interviewing, hiring and monitoring service providers we do not place ourselves in the ethical predicament of advising clients or families on services in which we directly profit.
Bill Pay Assistant/Daily Money Management
Kim Schwarcz –Fiduciary does offer bill payment assistance for those no longer able to handle their daily financial affairs.
Conservator of the Estate/Person
Kim Schwarcz -Fiduciary has often acted as a court-appointed conservator of a person / estate for anyone who is unable to provide properly for his or her personal needs and unable to manage his or her own financial resources. Our clients have been conserved for various reasons including dementia, mental illness, traumatic brain injuries, developmentally delayed etc.
We never petition to have someone conserved. The family or friends of the proposed conservatee must petition for the conservatorship.
Executor / Administrator of Estates
As executor or administrator Kim Schwarcz -Fiduciary will carry out the directions of your will, including disbursement of property, identifying potential additional heirs, finalizing debt payments, creditors’ claims, and taxes. If there isn’t a will or trust the court can appoint Kim Schwarcz –Fiduciary to act as the administrator of the estate.
Power of Attorney
Kim Schwarcz –Fiduciary works under powers of attorney for both finance and person. Having these documents in place can often avoid a conservatorship.
Kim Schwarcz -Fiduciary can serve as Trustee or Successor Trustee when there is no one else available to administer the trust. It is often better to have an experienced fiduciary administer your trust as we are experienced and impartial. This is especially important when there are difficult family relationships. We must follow the dictates of your trust and cannot deviate from what the trust says.